Family Nature-Based Scavenger Hunt
April 4, 2024
Outdoor Learning Brings Balance
April 12, 2024What is the goal of a nature walk? Why do it?
The goal of a nature-based walk is to get children engaged and excited to learn, and that’s not hard to do when you’re surrounded by the beauty of nature. You can explore a park, hiking trail, creek, or your own backyard. Here are a few tips for planning your child’s next nature walk.
Let Them Get Dirty
If your little one is anxious to crawl in the dirt to get a better look at bugs, then go for it! Dirt might get a bad rap, but it shouldn’t. Research suggests that kids who have fun playing in the dirt, or mud, are exposed to bacteria, germs, viruses, and parasites that can help build their immune system and reduce the risks of certain allergies and illnesses later in life.7
Have Them Lead the Way
When it comes to younger children, engagement is increased by giving them the freedom to explore in their own ways.
“Encourage them to stop to turn over rocks, touch moss, and, when they can, climb on and over rocks and fallen trees. Whatever the environment, which you assess for any unreasonable hazards, the toddler can set the pace—stimulating confidence, agility, problem-solving, creativity, and a sense of wonder.
Most importantly, don’t let the digital world interfere with the experience. Leave your cell phone in your pocket with the ringer off and point out objects or landscape features you see. This will help anchor the words to what is seen, felt, or heard.
Get Creative
Nature is the perfect setting to promote a child’s creativity and imagination. How about some pretend play, such as using a stick as a sword or magic wand, or making up stories about the items found during your walk?
Your findings also work great for an art project. Collecting rocks while on your nature walk can later be painted and re-purposed as beautiful works of art.
The weather is warming, the rains not so harsh, and the time is now to head outside, as a family, and allow Mother Nature to stimulate your senses. Nature and children, the perfect combination of unstoppable forces.