Playing or Learning?
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Playing or Learning?
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Gardening for kids is really a ton of fun and such a great learning experience. This is why learning how to plant a kids vegetable garden should definitely be on your list! If you’re reading to learn how to make a mini vegetable garden that will give the kids a space of their very own, this is literally the perfect starting point for you!

Where to have that garden?

If space is an issue at your home, just remember you don’t need a huge garden. Any small space will do. The purpose is to make this a fun activity for your child, and not to become a competitor for some local farm.  A simple raised garden, using four 2”x6”s, eight feet in length, will give you enough planting space for quite a bountiful first-time attempt.  Just make sure to take into account sunlight; hopefully you have a space, in your yard, where sunlight is prominent for six to eight hours.

What to plant starting out?

One of the hardest parts about starting a vegetable garden for your kids (or anyone) is figuring out what to plant. It’s definitely something you want to think through though so that you pick the right equipment and spot – and so that you plant something that the kids are actually going to want to eat. You don’t have to waste a ton of time figuring out which vegetables are easiest to grow with kids, but it is an important one to think about to get a good plan of action.

If you want very quick results, the radish is the winner for quickest sprouting.  If you want something which almost always produces, consider the under-appreciated potato.  Practically anyone can grow a potato, and the added bonus is that the potatoes will keep growing, year after years, providing you with starter potatoes with each crop.

Need more tips?

Surely you have a neighbor, or family member, well-versed in how to grow vegetables.  Don’t be afraid to ask questions.  Gardeners absolutely love sharing their knowledge with newbies.

Remember, learning is much easier to accomplish when the activity is fun. Give your child ownership in the activity, make a big deal out of the positive results, and you will have raised a human being who is enthused and excited about gardening.

Sequoia’s Treehouse

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