Seven Types of Preschools: Which Best Fits Your Child’s Needs?
June 4, 2024
Celebrating the Summer Solstice
June 11, 2024
Seven Types of Preschools: Which Best Fits Your Child’s Needs?
June 4, 2024
Celebrating the Summer Solstice
June 11, 2024

One of my best childhood memories are of me and my friends laying down on the grass, at the local park, looking up at the sky, and watching the soft, white clouds float by. We would spend hours during the summer looking at the cloud shapes.  “Ooh, there goes a little lamb,” or “look, a person’s face.” Such simple fun, it cost nothing, and yet it made memories which have lasted my entire life.

Summer nights, a camp out in the backyard, staring up at that same sky, looking at the vastness of the solar system, hoping to be rewarded by a shooting star, and when that star appeared, streaking across the horizon, the squeals of delight from us all.

You can miss so much by always looking straight ahead.  Even during the day, no clouds, looking upwards will reward you with sights of eagles, hawks, sparrows, robins, a nature lesson just waiting to be learned, the learning happening without us even knowing it, and isn’t that the way with the best lessons in life, learned without being aware, just living and being a part of this magnificent thing called life.

Sequia’s Treehouse . . . have you signed up for summer camp yet?

 Please contact us directly by phone (360)742-3651 or email: for all program forms or more information.