Time Flies and the School Year is Rapidly Approaching
July 12, 2024
Compare Preschools Before You Choose
July 19, 2024
Time Flies and the School Year is Rapidly Approaching
July 12, 2024
Compare Preschools Before You Choose
July 19, 2024

It’s a hot one today. Stay cool and hydrated.

But the weather is not the reason for this post.

What we wanted to do is take a moment to simply says THANK YOU!

Thank you for sending your child to our summer camp.

Thank you for sending your child to our preschool.

Thank you for trusting us with your most cherished loved one.

We all get so busy with our everyday lives.  We have jobs, we have obligations, we have important matters to take care of, and it is very easy to allow the important things, the truly important things, to slip by . . . and we are guilty of this like everyone else.

So, before another moment slips by . . .


 Please contact us directly by phone (360)742-3651 or email: sequoiastreehouse@gmail.com for all program forms or more information.