What Skills Does a Child Need for Preschool?

The Seven Basic Skills of Discipline
July 24, 2024
A Quick History Lesson About Nature Based Learning
August 1, 2024
The Seven Basic Skills of Discipline
July 24, 2024
A Quick History Lesson About Nature Based Learning
August 1, 2024

There are actually articles online which list thirty skills a child needs before entering preschool.  That seems a bit excessive to us. Quite frankly, “a bit excessive” is putting it mildly.

Here’s what we think a child needs:

  • Emotional development
  • Social skills
  • Early literacy development
  • Listening skills
  • Communication skills
  • Fine motor skills
  • Attention span
  • Early math skills

However, even our list comes with a qualifier.

Every child develops at a different pace. Put another way, one size does not fit all when talking about child development.

When you first talk to the staff at Sequoia’s Treehouse, that is the mindset we have.  Except in very rare occasions, almost all children have the skills necessary to start at Sequoia’s Treehouse, and what they are lacking can be fostered in time.

Call us.  Meet us. We are a different kind of preschool, and we would love to tell  you all about our approach to education.

Sequoia’s Treehouse . . . applications now accepted for the 2024-2025 school year.

 Please contact us directly by phone (360)742-3651 or email: sequoiastreehouse@gmail.com for all program forms or more information.