Our Mission, Our Vision
September 12, 2024
What is Personalized Learning?
September 19, 2024
Our Mission, Our Vision
September 12, 2024
What is Personalized Learning?
September 19, 2024


  • “Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat.” –Laura Ingalls Wilder


The reasons for the Nature Preschools and Forest Kindergartens are many. There is no denying the fact that the prevalence of various forms of mass-produced technology has impacted our society on many levels. One such impact is the amount of time that today’s children spend “plugged-in” to one form of electronic device or another. What is often lost through all this tech-driven time is spending time outdoors. This trend has many negative outcomes associated with it – poor physical health, increased prevalence of many diseases, mental health problems, and a lack of understanding of or interest in the natural environment, to name a few. These impacts are not limited to adults and older children. In fact, lives impaired by such an enmeshment with technological gadgetry often begin in early childhood.

Among the reasons for the Nature Preschool & Forest Kindergarten movement is the desire to counter what is sometimes called the indoor-ification of early childhood. What comes along with indoor-ification – a preoccupation with academics and testing; over-fascination with and over-use of technology; less, or no time for play, recess, art and music; the increased use of worksheets… is why Nature Schools are becoming more and more popular among parents and early childhood advocates.

Sequia’s Treehouse Children’s Center . . . find out what a great preschool looks like.


 Please contact us directly by phone (360)742-3651 or email: sequoiastreehouse@gmail.com for all program forms or more information.