Why Nature Schools?
September 17, 2024
The Heart and Soul of Nature-Based Preschools
September 24, 2024
Why Nature Schools?
September 17, 2024
The Heart and Soul of Nature-Based Preschools
September 24, 2024

Personalized learning is an approach to education that aims to meet each individual learner’s needs. Recognizing that different students learn differently, teachers who personalize learning are able to respond to the various interests, strengths, and areas of need that students bring to class every day. Although personalized learning can be difficult to put effectively into practice, especially given the traditional one-size-fits-all model of education, there are research-based strategies that any educator can use to better meet their learners’ needs today.

In many ways, the education that our great-great-grandparents received was more personalized than what we ourselves endured. Instruction in the traditional one-room schoolhouse was, in fact, often highly personalized to individual needs: because students of different ages shared the same classrooms, the teacher needed to be able to provide individualized instruction and support to each learner in the room. There was really no choice but to personalize learning!

Is personalized learning possible in today’s world? We hope so, and it is our belief that the pendulum is slowly swinging that way but, as you all know, large, institutionalized change takes time.

Sequia’s Treehouse

 Please contact us directly by phone (360)742-3651 or email: sequoiastreehouse@gmail.com for all program forms or more information.