The Heart and Soul of Nature-Based Preschools
September 24, 2024
The Heart and Soul of Nature-Based Preschools
September 24, 2024

We had this question asked recently: “Why did you decide to open a preschool?”  Now that we’ve given that question the consideration it deserves, here is the answer.

I went online to find reasons why others opened preschools, just out of curiosity, and found this list:

  • Emotionally rewarding: Working with kids teaches you to be patient and enjoy the simple things in life.
  • Financial freedom: By opening a daycare, you’re in control of your income rather than reliant on a typical paycheck.
  • Personal child care: If you have your own child, you can care for them while you’re running your daycare.
  • Tax write offs: Starting a daycare can provide tax benefits.
  • Be your own boss: You set your hours, your rules, your pay, etc.
  • Socialization for your kids
  • No commute
  • Education
  • Health benefits
  • Physical activity

A good list for sure, albeit a little long-winded, and some of the reasons have nothing to do with the reason Sequoia’s Treehouse is in existence.

Getting down to the nitty gritty, the overwhelming reason why Sequoia’s Treehouse is in existence is a firm belief that nature-based learning is vital to the growth of children, and we wanted to lead the way, in the Olympia area, in promoting this sort of alternative education.  All children are different, and they deserve . . . THEY DESERVE . . . to be taught in a manner which fosters their learning style.  Far too many of us were educated in the traditional way, a way which did not aid us in learning, did not help to activate our learning potential.  We believe schools like Sequoia’s Treehouse are vitally important and, so, we opened it.

That’s our story and we’re sticking to it 😊


 Please contact us directly by phone (360)742-3651 or email: for all program forms or more information.