Conscious Discipline at Sequoia’s Treehouse
October 29, 2024November is Gratitude Month
November 5, 2024Sequoia’s Treehouse offers 1 meal and 2 snacks each day – breakfast, morning snack, Lunch (provided from home), and mid-afternoon snack. At breakfast and afternoon snack we provide organic whole milk to all our children unless parents request otherwise. Water is always available throughout the day.
Our daily meal and snacks provide a balance of fruit, veggies, protein, and carbs. We strive to provide healthy, tasty, organic foods many of our children will enjoy.
Sequoia’s Treehouse will provide cow milk. Parents provide breast milk or formula and any additional food. Once children begin eating solid foods, parents will be asked to look over a monthly menu and mark off which snacks children are allowed to eat. All food must be tried at home first before being served at Sequoia’s Treehouse. Please keep your teachers up-to-date with your child’s eating patterns as we want to compliment how, when, and what you are feeding at home.
Sequoia’s Treehouse will provide healthy morning and afternoon snacks and milk each day. Lunch is brought from home. Parents are asked to provide for special dietary needs.