Christmas Gift Ideas for a Nature Loving Child
December 3, 2024
Favorite Christmas Traditions
December 10, 2024There was a poet I read, long ago in college. I have completely forgotten his name, but the name of the poem I remember is “In Harmony With Nature.” I think about that poem every time I talk to parents about creating a backyard garden with their kids.
Hopefully this is something you can find the time to do with your little ones. Here are five tips to get you started:
- Brainstorm together and think about what you hope the child will experience.
- Allow ample space for plants like zucchini and cucumbers.
- Engage their senses with different textures and colors.
- Make it imaginative and inviting.
- Scale it down to a manageable size.
Remember, the calendar may say December, but I promise it will be planting season sooner than you think.
Success would be nice; in other words, your kids will be much more enthused if they actually see sprouts poking out of the ground. With that in mind, seeds like radishes, beans, and peas are pretty error-proof, perfect for that first garden with your little one.
Sequoia’s Treehouse