A Quick Thank You
July 16, 2024Our Classrooms at Sequoia’s Treehouse
July 23, 2024Choosing the right preschool for your child/children is truly one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent. No wonder many parents feel their stress levels rise during the process.
We cannot give you a clear-cut answer regarding the best preschool for your child. What we can give you, however, are a few things to consider when visiting the various preschools on your list.
Teacher Interactions
Visit each school on your list and watch how the teachers interact with the children. Is that how you want teachers interacting with your child? You can tell a great deal about a person when they do not think they are being watched.
Classroom Designed for Younger Learners
In other words, age-appropriate learning . . . is it apparent upon first glance?
Play Based Learning
Children need to play. Children learn better when play is involved. What kind of “play” area do you find? Is it safe? Is it inspiring? Is it conducive to learning?
Culturally Responsive Classrooms
We believe any school should reflect the community in which it operates. Does the preschool reflect the various cultures in your city?
Cost, Location, Schedule
This is the most practical of all the considerations listed here. The cost will directly affect your family budget. The location will affect the logistics of your family dynamics, as will the schedule. Some preschools will not work for your family simply because they don’t fit into your schedule, or they cost too much.
The Right Approach for Your Child
There are numerous ways to approach education. We have talked often about our nature-based learning approach, but that is not necessarily a good approach for all children. You need to find the approach which works best for your child.
Sequia’s Treehouse . . . give us a call!