Our Classrooms at Sequoia’s Treehouse

Compare Preschools Before You Choose
July 19, 2024
The Seven Basic Skills of Discipline
July 24, 2024
Compare Preschools Before You Choose
July 19, 2024
The Seven Basic Skills of Discipline
July 24, 2024

We believe all humans learn at their own pace.  At Sequoia’s Treehouse, we do not require children to have built certain skills by any given age.  In many cases we will transition children to the next classroom at the ages listed (and space availability), but this will not be the case for everyone.  Some children may be ready for the next transition early and some may need some additional time.  We respect every child’s individuality, and we are there to assist them along their way.

We are a fully licensed Childcare Center and follow WA State Teacher to Child ratios: Seedlings (6 weeks to 12 months/1-4 ratio) Sprouts (12 to 24 months/1-7 ratio) Shoots (2 to 3  years/1-7 ratio) Saplings (3 to 4 years/1-10 ratio) Sequoias Pre-K (4-5 years/1-10 ratio) Sequoias K (5-6 years/1-10 ratio)

We often have lower ratios but follow these WA State guidelines.

Questions? Give us a call. The school year will be here before we know it.


 Please contact us directly by phone (360)742-3651 or email: sequoiastreehouse@gmail.com for all program forms or more information.