What is a Children’s Center?
August 13, 2024Memories of Preschool
August 20, 2024Pumpkins are growing strong. Soon it will be time to harvest them.
Corn is growing tall; apples are almost ripe.
Three baby chicks were born last week at The Farm.
Some flowers have already faded, died, and fallen to the ground.
The evenings are noticeably cooler these past few days.
Chickens come in to roost much earlier these days.
All signs that the seasons are changing once again, and soon it will be time for the new school year.
Children have changed over the summer as well. They are slightly larger, their features more defined, their actions more confident. It may not be noticeable to their parents, for slight changes are often hard to discern when you see the child daily, but happen they are.
Cherish these moments of change. Etch them in your memory for posterity, for the days of childhood rush by much too quickly.
Sequoia’s Treehouse