Taking Learning One Step Further With Microscopes

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Using microscopes with young learners has several benefits:

  1. Model proper usage: Demonstrate how to use the microscope correctly.
  2. Hands-on learning: Microscopes provide experiential learning and exploration.
  3. Ignite curiosity: Viewing the world through a microscope helps children understand everyday things.
  4. Enhance STEM education: Microscopes contribute to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics learning.
  5. Supplement academic experience: Microscopes strengthen a child’s academic experience and inspire curiosity.

If a child is interested in learning, they will learn much easier and quicker, and microscopes ignites their interest.  There is a world of learning right outside in your yard, a world which your child will find fascinating, if only they can see it up close.  A microscope allows them to do that.

Are they costly? You can find a good microscope for a preschool child, on Amazon, for between $50-$100. To our way of thinking, it is money well-spent.


 Please contact us directly by phone (360)742-3651 or email: sequoiastreehouse@gmail.com for all program forms or more information.